I successfully completed all the posts last year, maybe I can do it again this year. I love that this challenge gets me out of the box a bit. So, I'm resolved to attempt to complete one blog post a day following the prompts given. Do you want to join in the fun? Click on the pick to get all the details. And watch for my posts starting September 1st.
Odds and Ends
Here's my randomness for the week:
- I can't decide if I like French Vanilla or Hazelnut coffee more. Perks up my morning everyday.
- Fourth week of work on this house. First it was the roof for three weeks. Now they're on to painting the outside (after a year of being a mess...). Feels like we'll always have workers blocking our driveway, in our courtyard, and messing about the backyard. So ready to be done with this.
- My Stampin' Up Holiday Catalog preorder has been sitting in my craft area since Monday. I really want to play with my new goodies, but life keeps getting in the way!
- Seriously need to go to the grocery store today. We are down to the weird bits and bobs of food. Nothing goes together.
- I think I'll be living in sandals and flips flops until December. None of my slip-on sneakers fit anymore. Darn you pregnancy-induced foot growth.
- Continuing my trend of Revolutionary War themed books with Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick. I may have a problem.
- Trying to decide if I want a new Happy Planner for Christmas. I like it, but it seems a bit bulky for me. Need to do some planner research.
- Need tor remember to buy diapers next time I'm at Target. Got to start stocking up when they have a sale!
- A fellow October mom is having some issues and may go into pre-term labor. Scared for her, but it's also making me realize just how little time I have left until the little one arrives.
Monthly Life Goals August 2016
Let’s check in on July’s goals and my progress.
- Read 3000 pages —Success! Super excited that my reading has been able to progress even dealing with crazy family stuff.
- Send out July cards, prep August and September cards —50% success. July's card have been send, August's cards have been prepped, and I haven't started on September's card.
- Transition Arthur to twin bed —Success! Amazingly, it's been going really well so far.
- Finish the summer with 5 twin activities —Success! We ended our summer with a few fun activities and excursions.
- Back to School shopping with twins —50% success. I got them some things before they left. The basic school supplies will be bought online and shipped directly to their dad's house this week.
- Pull off the summer social —Success! It was small, but it was a nice day.
August's Goals:
- Figure out Arthur childcare for October -- The planner in me wants this set before August is finished.
- Read 3000 pages -- Continuing my monthly page goal.
- Update all calendars and plan activities for August and September -- We're down to one car due to my car's lease being up. Planning and executing activities will take a bit of effort due to J's work schedule.
- Clean out the playroom -- We need to do another big reorganization/clean out before the baby comes.
- Meal plan for August and September; include a few freezer meals for October -- More planning ahead. I also want to make a few freezer meals to use after the baby comes.
- Plan out TBR for Sept-Dec -- Feeling like I've been utilizing the library too much. I need to get back to reading from my shelves and clear at least one shelf completely. This will require making a plan to keep me on track.
Odds and Ends
Here's my randomness for the week:
- Excited about the summer social on Saturday, but already tired.....
- Seriously, I'm only 29 weeks and so over this pregnancy
- Target had their sparkling cucumber mint water on sale this week! It's a lifesaver keeping me from drinking pop
- Super excited about our Munchery deliver today: seared tuna bowl, pepper steak and smashed potatoes, and past with clams. Which to make for tonight?
- Arthur's finally getting the concept that there's a baby in my belly. So cute!
- Hoping to switch Arthur to a twin mattress this weekend.
- Need to watch more Outlander this week
- Still broken-up about a friend's tragedy. Trying to send words of encouragement but so hard when she's 3000 miles away.
Odds and Ends
Here’s my randomness for the week:
- Lots of pelvic pain right now... not looking forward to the next 13 weeks
- Once again, I am addicted to the Hamilton Soundtrack
- Overall, super obsessed with the American Revolution right now
- Started rewatching Gilmore Girls on Netflix and listening to the Gilmore Guys podcast --> my new obsession
- Chilly weather is putting a crimp on our pool days
- Teens are expensive
- Super super tired...
- I found rhubarb at the grocery store!!!! And promptly squealed in the the middle of the produce section. Came home and made strawberry rhubarb crisp and it was delicious!
Monthly Life Goals July 2016
Let’s check in on June’s goals and my progress.
- Plan Mom and Great Aunt Alys’s trip to SF —Fail.
- Start Arthur’s transition out of the crib and to a twin mattress — Fail.
- Send out June cards and prep July cards —Success! All of June's cards were sent out. All of July's cards are ready to go!
- Prep my TBR for July and August — Success! I have my summer reading plan!
- Read 2500 pages –Success! I killed June with 4713 pages read!
- Have 4 board game nights with the twins — Fail.
- Have 12 movie nights with the twins, exposing them to at least 6 new-to-them movies — Fail. Managed 8 movie nights.... (Spy, Ant Man, The Kingsman, Hogfather, The Colour of Magic, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., The 5th Wave, John Wick)
July's Goals
- Read 3000 pages -- Bringing my page goal back up for this month. I've been rocking my reading time.
- Send out July cards, prep August and September cards -- My usual monthly goal.
- Transition Arthur to twin bed -- I really need to make this happen during July... probably after the twins leave.
- Finish the summer with 5 twin activities -- Wanting to finish the twins' summer off right.
- Back to School shopping with twins -- Clothes, supplies, and fun things.
- Pull off the summer social -- The social is July 23rd and will be my last big social for this year. I'll be planning the fall social in October, but won't be able to attend because of the new baby coming.
Currently #7
Watching: The Great Food Truck Race on Netflix. I binge watched season 1 on Sunday. And I've since moved onto the next few seasons. It's something fun to watch while doing chores and writing blog posts.
Reading: The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancy -- I had to put it on hold at the library due to the popularity of the movie. Thankfully it came in last week. I'm sure I'll be done by tomorrow. Still waiting on N to finish The 5th Wave so we can watch the movie.
Listening: The Hamilton Soundtrack has been on repeat lately.
Making: I offered product shares this new Stampin' Up catalog. Four of my stamp club ladies took advantage of the offer. Our big ordered arrived today so I'm cutting and packing paper.
Feeling: Just really hot and tired right now. Hoping I get some energy back. I've got many weeks left to go in the pregnancy.
Planning: June is basically all planned out so I'm turning my attention to July. I've got lots of things to fit in somewhere and still leave time open for rest.
Loving: Really been craving fruit lately. Love how much is currently in season at the farmer's markets.
Odds and Ends
Here's my randomness for the week:
- This baby is so friggin' active. Really not looking forward to him at ~36 weeks.
- My reading has been on fire lately. Already 11 books and we're halfway through June.
- I think I need a new planner system... this one is just not cutting it.
- My bed is so comfy; that is all.
- So glad the boys enjoy going to the library.
- Finally caught up with my One Bad Mother podcast. A little sad...
- Really proud of myself for getting a good daily intake of water. No more dehydration!
- Passed my glucose tolerance test. Hallelujah!
- Rewatching Outlander is my current guilty pleasure.
Monthly Life Goals June 2016
Let’s check in on May’s goals and my progress.
- Create a summer bucket list — Success! I made the list and we've started choosing our activities.
- Plan Mom and Great Aunt Alys’s trip to SF —Fail. Didn't get around to this one...
- Try three new recipes — Success! I made Mediterranean Orzo Pasta Salad (very yummy), Pork Lettuce Wraps (pretty good), and Spinach and Artichoke Melts (messy, but yum!).
- Update all my calendars for May, June, and July —Success I did a large update last week.
- Start Arthur’s transition out of the crib and to a twin mattress —Fail. Just didn't get around to it.
- Send out all May cards, prep June and July cards —50% success. Finished May's cards. Pulled out cards for June and July. Haven't addressed and written in June and July's cards.
- Pull, tag, and deliver garage sale items — Success! I ended up only making about $40, but we got rid of a ton of random clothes. Anything that didn't sell was donated to local charities.
- Read at least 3000 pages —Fail. Although I think 2700 pages is perfectly respectable...
- Participate in Bout of Books 16 — Success! I completed all my goals. The end result: I read 5 books totaling 1334 pages.
- Prep my TBR for June and July —50% success. I prepped June's TBR, but failed at moving forward.
June's Goals -- After May's crazy list of goals, I'm scaling back just a bit for June:
- Plan Mom and Great Aunt Alys’s trip to SF — Carry over goal...
- Start Arthur’s transition out of the crib and to a twin mattress -- Carry over goal...
- Send out June cards and prep July cards -- I guess a continuation of last month's goal.
- Prep my TBR for July and August -- Another continuation.
- Read 2500 pages --With the twins here and an increase in activities, I'm lowering my page goal just a bit.
- Have 4 board game nights with the twins -- We're aiming for once a week.
- Have 12 movie nights with the twins, exposing them to at least 6 new-to-them movies -- Our goal is three times a week...
Currently #6
Watching: We finally finished Atlantis. A bit disappointed with the ending. Clearly they did not know they were getting canceled. And not super happy with the love triangle set-up crap.
Reading: I finally got to rereading The Magician King by Lev Grossman. Happy to remember that this one moves a lot faster than the first book in the series.
Listening: I've got up with One Bad Mother, so it's back to listening to past episodes of Elise Gets Crafty.
Making: This week is Week in the Life for me. I'm mainly focused on taking pictures, but I have started laying out my album here and there...
Feeling: I overdid it this past weekend, Monday, and Tuesday. I'm paying for it now... So sore and tired.
Planning: Still working on our summer activities plan.
Loving: Park playdates have been great lately. Especially love the splash pads.
Odds and Ends
Here's my randomness for the week:
- I was reminded of just how much I love The West Wing.
- Thinking I may just have to fully commit to the Bullet Journal soon...
- Costco and Target -- my shopping weaknesses
- J has been making me watch Krod Mandoon. It is utterly ridiculous, and yet I keep watching.
- Oranges are so yummy
- I'm currently obsessed with reviewing all the gowns from the Met Gala. Such pretties.
- I really need to catch up with my podcasts.
Monthly Life Goals May 2016
I didn't have any April goals as I took a month off to recenter. The break has helped me get a handle on some of my seasonal goals and eliminate the fluff. On to May's goals:
- Create a summer bucket list -- The twins are arriving on the 28th. I always like to have a plan before they show up.
- Plan Mom and Great Aunt Alys's trip to SF -- For the end of the summer, my mom and great aunt will be here for about two days. They want me to create an itinerary for them including a cable car ride and cruise on the Bay.
- Try three new recipes -- I've been lacking on trying new recipes. Attempting to branch out this month and maybe a few new favorites to our Paprika.
- Update all my calendars for May, June, and July -- Like to have my ducks in a row!
- Start Arthur's transition out of the crib and to a twin mattress -- I would like him to be comfortable in the new bed arrangement before the baby arrives. Hoping to start this month.
- Send out all May cards, prep June and July cards -- Getting my May cards around already, I want all of them prepped before the month is out.
- Pull, tag, and deliver garage sale items -- The big MVPA garage sale is on the 14th. I'm hoping to destash our house.
- Read at least 3000 pages -- I've been reading over 3000 pages a month for a couple of months already. Want to continue the trend.
- Participate in Bout of Books 16 -- Would like to get a readathon in before the twins arrive for the summer and the baby comes in October.
- Prep my TBR for June and July -- Again, I like to be organized.
Currently #5
Watching: J and I dove into Houdini and Doyle (itv) and we are so addicted! The show is so much fun and love Stephen Mangan and Michael Weston as the title characters!
Reading: Finished Ready Player One by Ernest Cline on Tuesday, so I picked up The Garden Intrigue by Lauren Willig to finish out April.
Listening: Lots of podcasts! I'm currently trying to catch up on Elise Gets Crafty. Still like a year behind on that one...
Making: Started on the May Design Team and Stamp Club cards. I get to preorder from the new catalog on May 3rd, but in the meantime, I picked up a few new stamp sets to tide me over.
Feeling: I'm still having a lot of scar tissue/ligament pain, but the nausea has decreased. Definitely liking the second trimester more than the first.
Planning: The twins are arriving in a few weeks. I'm starting to figure out what we want to do while they are here.
Loving: The sunshine helps me feel better. And ice cream always helps!
Odds and Ends
Here's my randomness for this week:
- I just want to eat all the bread this pregnancy. Not the best, I know, but darn it so good!
- As much as I look forward to the parent group quarterly socials, I'm so ready for this one to be over.
- Need to grocery shop soon...
- Too many unread books still sitting on my shelves. The urge to read everything is strong.
- Floored by the season finale of The Magicians. I've read the books and I did not expect all those changes. Crazy... and now we have to wait forever for season 2.
- Arthur woke up in a foul mood this morning. I'm thinking we will be having a day of hanging out and watching some movies. Just don't have the energy for big projects today.
- Wishing I was in Salt Lake City today for Stampin' Up's conference. Oh well. Maybe one of these years I will actually be able to go...
- Parents magazine I loathe your "helpful" parenting articles. So not helpful and super condescending most of the time.
Monthly Life Goals April 2016
Let’s check in on March’s goals and my progress.
- 30 Days of Journaling — Fail. Just too much else going on.
- Read at least 3000 pages — Success! I read 4227 pages in March even with all the travel!
- Dive into Bullet Journaling — Success! I did a ton of research and am thinking about switching over next month.
- Get moving on my TED talk goal — Haha... nothing happened here.
April's Goals: Life has gotten so crazy that I think I'm going to skip goals for April. It might be nice to take a bit of a break. I'll be back in May with goals...
Heading off to a weekend retreat with some of my mom friends and then off to Indiana for a few weeks. I'll still be posting here, but my entries will be lighter than usual. I'll be back to normal in April.
Odds and Ends
Here's my randomness for the week:
- Last night I was feeling good, so I had chips and guacamole for dinner. That was unbelievably delicious!
- My reading is currently off the charts. Loving it!
- Water, water is good...
- Finished the retreat crafts today, I can't wait until we actually leave! One more week!
- But I still need to make Saturday night dinner reservations. Ugh! I always remember when they are closed.
- Still hoping to finish 5 more design team cards before we leave for Indiana.
- I can never resist stopping at Daiso when I pass one... Obsessed with their crafty products!
- Scones sound amazing right now. Maybe I will try and make some tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Monthly Life Goals March 2016
Let’s check in on February’s goals and my progress.
- 30 Day Challenge: No pop — Success! I did it! As a test, I tried a sip of Coke yesterday and it tasted bland. I think I will continue this habit.
- 30 Day Challenge: No eating out —Going to call this a success. We didn't completely cut this habit, but we cut it down a ton.
- Money fast —Also going to call this a success. I did pretty good with cutting our budget and unnecessary spending. But we need to do more with this goal.
- Read at least 3000 pages —Success! I read 3895 pages in the shortest
- Get moving on my TED talk goal —Fail!
- Schedule a dentist appointment -- Fail!
March's Goals: We're traveling for the second half of the month so I'm keeping my goals light.
- 30 Days of Journaling -- Not necessarily a big entry on anything, but more like 30 days of writing. It could be part of my 30 Things Class, a blog post, or a reflective piece.
- Read at least 3000 pages -- Trying again even with all the traveling.
- Dive into Bullet Journaling -- I'm thinking about switching things up and starting this. Need to time to research and see if it's the right fit.
- Get moving on my TED talk goal -- Trying this again...
Happiness Project: March
Last year, I read Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project and it really spoke to me. I know that I often put myself last on the priority list. This year, I want to be more intentional about my goals and monthly plans. So I am modifying Rubin’s plan to fit my life. To help keep me accountable, I will be posting my goals and progress here on the blog. I’ve also helped create an in-person group through the parent’s group. We are sharing our goals and progress and meeting once a month for a check-in.
For March, I originally had marriage as my focus. Poor planning on my part considering that Arthur and I will be gone for the last half of the month. Instead of going ahead with my original plan, I've decided to switch March and April. So now my March focus is work.
Goals for March:
- Redo my blogs -- Need to rethink my approach, schedules, and overall plan
- Push Thirty-One to next level -- Hoping to get a bit more of a stable footing
- Reevaluate Stampin' Up demonstrator status -- Potentially drop or push forward more classes and stamp club
- Learn how to use our DSLR for blog/business work -- I've never actually picked it up, but I want to teach myself.
- (continuation) Keep frivolous spending to zero
- (continuation) Donate, sell, trash
- (continuation) No pop
- (continuation) Commit to fresh flowers and natural room scents
- (continuation) Be aware of judgements
- (continuation) Establish daily and weekly routines
Recap of February:
- Keep frivolous spending to zero —I did pretty well on this goal. A little slip-up after a hard day, but in general I spent nothing.
- Splurge on one big item —This didn't happen at all, but I'm actually not that disappointed. I have liked saying some money this past month.
- Create a budget —We didn't create a formal one, but I have tried to cut our overall spending throughout the month.
- Donate, sell, trash —I made it through about 70% of the house decluttering as I went. Very excited. I'm feeling like contents of our house are in a much better place. Hoping to continue the trend.
- Added: No pop -- Added this on a whim. I successfully completed this goal and saved us some money.
- Added: No dining out -- Another way for us to save some money.
- (continuation) Commit to fresh flowers and natural room scents
- (continuation) Be aware of judgements
- (continuation) Establish daily and weekly routines
2016 Monthly Focuses:
- January — Attitude and Mindfulness
- February — Money
- March — Work
- April — Marriage
- May — Friendship
- June — Parenthood
- July — Play
- August — Knowledge
- September — Self-care
- October — Books
- November — Vitality
- December — Reflection
Currently #4
Watching: Obsessed with The Bachelor right now. Watching it on free Hulu, so I'm a week behind. Trying to avoid any spoilers for the current week.
Reading: Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs. Finishing out the Miss Peregrine trilogy finally. The library had it on the Lucky Day shelf so I grabbed it quickly!
Listening: J downloaded the Hamilton soundtrack and it's still on repeat...
Making: The design team admins put up the schedule for March and April. My goal is to finish out my cards for those two months before leaving for Indiana on the 16th.
Feeling: There's some big news brewing in our household. I'll let you know once everything is set, but I'm super excited.
Planning: The retreat is happening in two weeks. I'm finalizing the last little details and shopping for food.
Loving: Grabbed some awesome ginger beer at the store last week. Now I am obsessed with it.