Here's my randomness for the week:
- I can't decide if I like French Vanilla or Hazelnut coffee more. Perks up my morning everyday.
- Fourth week of work on this house. First it was the roof for three weeks. Now they're on to painting the outside (after a year of being a mess...). Feels like we'll always have workers blocking our driveway, in our courtyard, and messing about the backyard. So ready to be done with this.
- My Stampin' Up Holiday Catalog preorder has been sitting in my craft area since Monday. I really want to play with my new goodies, but life keeps getting in the way!
- Seriously need to go to the grocery store today. We are down to the weird bits and bobs of food. Nothing goes together.
- I think I'll be living in sandals and flips flops until December. None of my slip-on sneakers fit anymore. Darn you pregnancy-induced foot growth.
- Continuing my trend of Revolutionary War themed books with Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick. I may have a problem.
- Trying to decide if I want a new Happy Planner for Christmas. I like it, but it seems a bit bulky for me. Need to do some planner research.
- Need tor remember to buy diapers next time I'm at Target. Got to start stocking up when they have a sale!
- A fellow October mom is having some issues and may go into pre-term labor. Scared for her, but it's also making me realize just how little time I have left until the little one arrives.