As I just finished reading Amanda Palmer's The Art of Asking, I've been diving back into her music lately. My first experience with The Dresden Dolls...
Music Monday -- iPod Shuffle December
Since I've finished my 101 Faves series for Music Monday, I thought I would do something complete different. I turned on my iPod, hit shuffle, and recorded my first 5 songs.
"Feel Again" by OneRepublic (Native)
"Eyes Wide Open" by Gotye (Making MIrrors)
"Dakota" by O.A.R. (Stories of a Stranger)
"Mrs. O" by The Dresden Dolls (Yes, Virginia)
"The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most" by Dashboard Confessional (MTV Unplugged)
Today's Music Monday will be the last until after the New Year. Next week, I am starting my traditional holiday break to spend time with family and friends and recharge for 2014. But never fear, I'll be on the lookout for some great new music during that time period.
Music Monday -- Favorite Covers III
While sifting through all our music, I came across a ton of songs (over 1000) that I wanted to add to my 101 Favorite Songs list. I had to narrow it down. As part of my narrowing, I decide to delete all covers from the list. But those are some great songs, ones I really love. So, I decided to give them their own series on Music Monday. If you like covers, stay tuned for some good ones. Part I, Part II.
Michael W. Smith "Bridge Over Troubled Water"
Original -- Simon and Garfunkel
Rufus Wainwright "Hallelujah"
Original -- Leonard Cohen
Ryan Adams "Wonderwall"
Original -- Oasis
John Mayer "Free Fallin"
Original -- Tom Petty
Dresden Dolls "Pretty in Pink"
Original -- Psychedelic Furs
Music Monday -- 101 Faves Quirky Edition
As part of my ongoing Day Zero Project, I've made a list of my favorite 101 songs of all time. To help cut down on the possibilities, I took songs from my iTunes account. Each edition will include ~5 songs with theme. Enjoy! For those quirky singers/bands, I show my love.
Dresden Dolls "Sing" -- How much do I love this band? Bunches and bunches. I thought about putting "Coin Operated Boy" or "Good Day" on here, but I love "Sing" and its uplifting message. So here you go...
Regina Spektor "Apres Moi" -- Love her bridge in Russian. It just sounds so amazing. I still need to get her newest album.
Amanda Palmer "Astronaut" -- One half of The Dresden Dolls, all by herself. I am part of the world that loves her.
Ben Folds "Narcolepsy" -- Has collaborated with Amanda Palmer and Regina Spektor, weird coincidence. Plus, I saw him in concert with the Fort Wayne Philharmonic and he rocked the Embassy.
Music Monday -- The Dresden Dolls "Good Day"
I'm so excited for the release of Amanda Palmer's new cd. I know this isn't just her, but I had to highlight one of my favorite songs involving her. This song is such a story of heartbreak. You ever have those moments when it seems like your friend/spouse/lover/children/guy at the store just isn't listening to you or cares to listen to you? Plus the music just rocks.
Lyrics (my favorite lines in bold):
So you don't want to hear about my good song? And you don't want to hear about how i am getting on With all the things that i can get done The sun is in the sky & i am by my lonesome So you don't want to hear about my good day? You have better things to do than to hear me say
God its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way I took out the trash today and i'm on fire...
So you don't want to hear about my good friends? You don't have the guts to take the truth or consequence Success is in the eye of the beholderAnd its looking even better over your cold shoulder
I'm not suggesting you get to line me up for questioning But Jesus think about the bridges you are burning And i'm betting That even though you knew it from the start You'd rather be a bitch than be an ordinary broken heart
So go ahead and talk about your bad day... I want all the details of the pain and misery That you are inflicting on the others I consider them my sisters and I want their numbers
God its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way I took up croquet today and i'm on fire
I picked up the pieces of my broken ego I have finally made my peace as far as you and me go But i'd love to have you up to see the place & i'd like to do more than survive i'd like to rub it in your face.....
Hey! its been a lovely day! everything's been going my way I had so much fun today and i'm on fire God it's been a lovely day everything's been going my way Ever since you went away hey i'm on fire..... I'm on fire... I'm on fire... So you don't want to hear about my good day?
Extra video: An awesome live version in 2003.