New music from Fall Out Boy! It feels like it’s 2007, but I’m totally here for it!
Next up on the TBR pile:
I have a soft spot in my heart for FOB. Digging this song lately.
I'll admit that I still like Fall Out Boy...
Next up on the TBR pile:
Fall Out Boy "The Phoenix"
Damien Rice "I Remember"
The Killers "Believe Me Natalie"
The twins and I both enjoy this song.
Currently seriously obsessed with this song...
Three random songs from my iPod. Eclectic selections as usual...
Fall Out Boy "Just One Yesterday"
Jason Mraz "Unfold"
Simon and Garfunkel "Mrs. Robinson"
As part of my ongoing Day Zero Project, I've made a list of my favorite 101 songs of all time. To help cut down on the possibilities, I took songs only from my iTunes account. Each edition will include ~5 songs with a theme. Enjoy!
Must have songs to rock out! I've even included some oldies but goodies in here.
The Raconteurs "Many Shades of Black"
Special extra: Adele's cover of "Many Shades of Black"
Fall Out Boy "Hum Hallelujah"
Eve 6 "Here's to the Night"
Green Day "Holiday"
Some of the videos I loved this week...
The Ragtime Gals "Sexyback"
Fall Out Boy "The Phoenix" -- I have a little place in my heart for FOB
Veritasium "Gravity" -- I've been watching a ton of science videos for work and I just love this one!
Minute Physics: Parallel Universes: Many Worlds