While sifting through all our music, I came across a ton of songs (over 1000) that I wanted to add to my 101 Favorite Songs list. I had to narrow it down. As part of my narrowing, I decide to delete all covers from the list. But those are some great songs, ones I really love. So, I decided to give them their own series on Music Monday. If you like covers, stay tuned for some good ones. Part I,Part II,Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI.
Sarah Brightman "Dust in the Wind"
Original -- Kansas
Adele "Make You Feel My Love"
Original -- Bob Dylan
Mumford and Sons "The Boxer" (the live version is pretty amazing if you ignore the random yelling and talking)
Original -- Simon and Garfunkel
Regina Spektor "Real Love"
Original -- The Beatles
Reel Big Fish "Take on Me"
Original -- A-Ha