Because there are two movies, I tend to think about this book in two parts. So I am splitting my review into two parts corresponding with the break in movies. Part 1 covers pages 1-502 of the hardcover edition.
Title: Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows
Author: J.K. Rowling
Publisher: Scholastic 2007
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Pages: 759
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: HP
How I Got It: Own it! (in pretty hardcover no less)
This one is a reread for me. It's been awhile since I read the series. I remember reading the first couple of books out loud to the boys when they were infants. SO that's what, eight years ago? I read the last few books as they came out, but overall it's been awhile.
Instead of doing a traditional review, I thought I would just give you some of my reread thoughts. Things I noticed, things I loved, quotes I like, etc. And then I will have a mini review of movie vs. book.
Book fun:
Favorite scenes:
- Goodbye scene with the Dursleys -- It's bittersweet. You want to hate the Dursleys for how they treated Harry and yet I love how Dudley finally says something. And I screamed at Petunia to say something comforting...
- Bill and Fleur's wedding -- I love the descriptions and seeing all the Weasley's together (expect for Percy of course).
- Bathilda Bagshot and Godric's Hollow -- I know what's coming but this scene still scares the crap out of me. Maybe it's the dead body, maybe it's the snake. All I know is it is extra extra creepy.
Favorite character(s):
- Kreacher -- Bet you weren't expecting that one... I really love how he begrudgingly but finally accepts Harry as his master. Plus his sneakiness comes in handy when they are trying to find the locket.
- Ron -- He leaves, he's a git, but he redeems himself by destroying the Horcrux and trying to get on Hermione's good side throughout most of the book.
Other odds and ends:
- I cried over Hedwig and downright bawled over Dobby. I cried for them more than I did when Dumbledore died. Plus I got a bit verklempt with George's injury.
- I detest Scrimgeour with a passion. Ugh! So not sorry when he dies.
- I love the description of Luna's bedroom with the painting of her friends. She is always one of my favorite characters.
Favorite quotes:
"He looked away, trying not to betray the resentment he felt. There is was again: Choose what to believe. He wanted the truth. Why was everybody so determined that he should not get it?" (pg. 185) -- When Harry learns of Rita Skeeter's book. He has to get over these selfish thoughts to see the truth later on...
Movie fun Part 1
My favorite scenes:
- Big chase scene with the 7 Harrys -- It's different than the book but with the same adrenaline rush and danger.
- Bathilda Bagshot and Godric's Hollow -- Creepiest scene ever. I jumped in the theater when Nagini is revealed. I jumped again in my home when I knew exactly how it was going to happen. Creepy creepy!
- Favorite hands-down: The Tale of the Three Brothers -- I loved loved loved the animation and the creepy shadow figures. It fits perfectly with the story and set-up.
Things I wished to see, but didn't:
- More Lupin and Tonks. The movie cryptically alludes to Tonks' pregnancy, but it's mostly left out. Pretty big deal in the books.
- Something with Dumbledore and his family. I like that side story in the books and yet no mention in the movies.
- Wormtail death. Stunning him in the cell just seems to let him off easily. I would have felt more complete with his death.
Other odds and ends:
- I liked the change in opening to Rufus Scrimgeour's statement about the Ministry. While it is untrue, I like the foreshadowing and foreboding it creates. The same is true for Hermione, Ron, and Harry's saying goodbye to their "homes."
- Fleur's dress is just gorgeous. I really wanted to see more of it.
- I like how they folded visions from Voldemort into some backstory for those nonrabid fans.
Harry Potter: