What I did today:
- Updated my Music Monday spreadsheet -- So I don't repeat songs, I'm trying to keep track. Once I finish my 101 favorites list, I want to highlight some artists/songs that I haven't featured yet.
- Transferred paper TBR to spreadsheet -- Now I have my entire crazy ass long TBR list in a spreadsheet that's easily organizable. That was quite a project, but I'm glad it's all done.
- Added TBR spreadsheets to GR shelves -- Well, this is mostly done. I got most of the likely TBR books in GR and ready to be added to the currently reading shelf.
- Cleaned up the right hand column -- Updated a few of the percentages and challenges (especially the perpetual challenges).
- Recheck the reading challenge spreadsheet/update posts and right column -- Everything should be updated and ready.
- Updated most of the pages: About, Inspirational quotes, review policy, thankfuls, reading challenges. I also deleted the projects I love page as it was hopelessly outdated. I still need to update the Blogs I Love.
- Updated DZP -- Finished updating the page on my blog and the projects site.
- Added series to book reviews with links to my reviews -- This took awhile, but I finally finished. Now I just have to remember doing this for future reviews.
I am amazed that I got through this many points today. Granted they were probably the easiest and quickest points on the master list. Now on to the harder/more involved points. I decided to add some of my mini challenges to my update posts to make them easier.
Organization and Scheduling Posts from On a Book Bender
After some tinkering and tryouts, I think I've finally landed on a weekly blog schedule:
- Monday -- Music Monday
- Tuesday -- Top Ten Tuesday
- Wednesday -- Quote Wednesday
- Thursday -- Thankful Thursday (sometimes)
- Friday -- *open*
- Saturday -- *open*
- Sunday -- Sunday Salon
Reviews get posted whenever I finish them. Life posts and random nonsense get posted whenever, but I love to use some of those to fill in the open Friday and Saturday slots. This has helped me keep myself on track. I don't ever have a week where nothing is posted. I like the stability of a weekly routine.
I learned a while back that I needed to keep a running calendar for all my posts. While I do like using digital calendars for appointments, classes, etc, I can't use them for blog posts. For those, I actually write out the days of the month in a notebook. Then I add all drafts/routine posts. When a draft is in WP, it gets one half of an X. When I finish a post, it gets the full X. At a glane I can see what I've done and what I need to finish. It also helps me space out nonroutine posts instead of accidentally bunching three posts on one day. I've also added templates for my routine posts. I have templates for:
- Book reviews
- Monthly wrap-up posts
- Top Ten Tuesday posts
- Music Mondays
- Sunday Salon
These have helped me so much stay consistent. I love organization, when I can keep on top of everything...