Title: The Last Bookstore on Earth
Author: Lily Braun-Arnold
Publisher: Delacorte Press 2025
Genre: YA Scifi
Pages: 320
Rating: 3/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Cover Lover - Floral Elements
Where I Got It: Library
The world is about to end. Again.
Ever since the first Storm wreaked havoc on civilization as we know it, seventeen-year-old Liz Flannery has been holed up in an abandoned bookstore in suburban New Jersey where she used to work, trading books for supplies with the few remaining survivors. It’s the one place left that feels safe to her.
Until she learns that another earth-shattering Storm is coming . . . and everything changes.
Enter Maeve, a prickly and potentially dangerous out-of-towner who breaks into the bookstore looking for shelter one night. Though the two girls are immediately at odds, Maeve has what Liz needs—the skills to repair the dilapidated store before the next climate disaster strikes—and Liz reluctantly agrees to let her stay.
As the girls grow closer and undeniable feelings spring up between them, they realize that they face greater threats than the impending Storm. And when Maeve’s secrets and Liz’s inner demons come back to haunt them both, they find themselves fighting for their lives as their world crumbles around them.
My last book for January really landed with a thud for me. I was intrigued by this post-apocalyptic story set primarily in a bookstore. I was hoping for a great propulsive story full of great connectable characters. Instead, we get some really boring characters and absolutely no real plot development. I was willing to stick with the book to see where the characters went, but surprise it was nowhere. I was so incredibly bored with the book. As an added annoyance, I could not get over the accident that happens to Liz. There’s absolutely no way that the injury that happened would have seemingly healed on its own very quickly. Ridiculous. There’s also a lot about the storm that bothered me. It really felt like the author had a tiny kernel of an idea and then just smashed it together with an attempt at a character study book. It did not work for me at all.
Next up on the TBR pile: