Title: Heroes Vol. 1
Publisher: WildStorm Productions 2007
Genre: Graphic Novel
Pages: 235
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Support Your Local Library; Fantasy; A to Z Titles: H
Lately, I have become a big fan of graphic novels. I think it's all J's fault. At any rate, I now have a stack of graphic novels sitting in my library TBR pile. And I recently restarted watching the television series Heroes. Somewhere in the third season, I completely lost interest (it got a little crazy there for awhile) and never finished the series. Since it's now on Netflix Instant Queue (absolutely love it), I thought I would watch the series straight through. While at the library, I was looking for another graphic novel (Hatter M series) and spied the Heroes Vol. 1 sitting on the shelf. So I picked it up to read while watching the series.
I loved this volume. It showcased some side stories, origin stories, etc. highlighting the heroes we meet in the first season. The graphics are amazing. Not too detailed, but very colorful and realistic on some pages. I thoroughly enjoyed reading in between watching the episodes. I especially loved the chapters centering around the lesser known heroes like Eden and Hana. I think I liked Hana's story the best of all. As an extra bonus, she's played by Stana Katic in the television series (so love her in Castle).
Helix Comics published a second volume to coincide with season 2. Guess I better pick that up next...