All through the day we inadvertently speak words that enter people's lives and change them in minor or major ways and we never know it. -- Eugene Peterson
I've been thinking a lot lately about words of encouragement. I've been getting some from various people. But I've come to realize that what makes the difference is having the person right there with you. It's one thing for someone to send an email or a card. Nice written words, but you don't get to hear the emotion. It's one to hear someone's voice. The emotion can be heard, the tone of voice important, but you don't get the physical connection. There's another thing all together to have a person sit by you, offering words of encouragement and maybe a hug. The undivided attention is what really affects us. We need to feel that human connection. In a world of instant communication by email, phone, etc., we often trade the physical for convenience. I want to hear people and see people and most importantly touch people. Today, offer someone words of encouragement. Do it in person and be sincere. It just might save a life.