What We Studied
We had a full week planned with multiple activities and the last week of Academic Co-op. Unfortunately, a blizzard hit us on Tuesday night cancelling our Wednesday Joslyn visit and Thursday co-op meeting. Oh well. At least we finished up a ton of schoolwork.
Literature and Poetry
Arthur is primarily using Hearth and Story G5 for his language arts this year. Arthur took a break from novels to focus on some short stories. We also covered more grammar and extra language arts assignments.
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein
Quentin is primarily using Blossom & Root G1 for his language arts this year. We will pull some elements from Build Your Library Level 2 and random books that we have around the house. We started a fun book of a young girl and an intelligent squirrel. So much comedy in this story. We love it.
Poetry: The Tree That Time Built
Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo
Arthur is using Singapore’s Math in Focus Course 1. Effectively this is Singapore’s 6th grade math text. We got back into our math textbook and started a chapter about the Area and Circumference of Circles.
Math in Focus Course 1 Book A
Quentin is using Singapore’s Primary Mathematics Common Core edition 2B and 3A. We moved onto 3A starting slow to easy back into our lessons. Taking it slow but moving along.
Singapore Primary 3A
Primarily Logic
Social Studies
Arthur is using Curiosity Chronicles Early Modern History Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 this year. We covered two more sections of history focusing on Victorian Britain and British Imperialism. We actually only have two more sections left in the curriculum. We also watched more PBS Eons vides. Getting closer to finishing the entire series.
Curiosity Chronicles Early Modern History Vol. 1
DK History
DK Timelines of Everything
DK Timelines of Everyone
DK A Child Through Time
You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Victorian Servant, by Fiona MacDonald
You Wouldn’t Want to Work in a Victorian Mill!, by John Malam
Quentin is using History Quest Middle Times with Build Your Library Level 2 as his main history curriculum. We covered two chapters exploring the Mughal Empire and the Ottoman Empire. We have two more chapters left in the curriculum.
History Quest Middle Times
DK When on Earth?
DK History
DK Timelines of Everything
DK Timelines of Everyone
DK A Child Through Time
DK Explorers
Taj Mahal by Cynthia Kennedy Hanzel
Where is the Taj Mahal? by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler
Arthur is using RSO Biology 1 this year has the main science text. Our academic coop will also be using RSO Biology 1 as a basis for the fall and spring semester courses, so we will be just supplementing at home. We will also be doing some of Blossom & Root’s Book Seeds and various other small units in between. We read some more chapters from the Story of Science.
RSO Biology 1
Story of Science Vol. 3 by Joy Hakim
Quentin is using RSO Earth & Environment and RSO Astronomy 1 as a base. Of course, we have a ton of extra science resources laying around the house. And I will be hosting some one-off science exploration days that align with the units. We covered extreme weather which was appropriate given the blizzard.
RSO Earth and Environment
DK First Earth Encyclopedia
DK Eyewitness: Weather
Wind by Grace Hansen
What on Earth? Wind by Isabel Thomas
Cloud or Fog? by Kelly Doudna
Hail or Freezing Rain? by Josh Plattner
Extreme Weather by Ann O. Squire
A Child's Introduction to the Environment
Hurricane or Waterspout? by Josh Plattner
Tornado Alert by Franklyn M. Branley
Tornado or Dust Devil? by Josh Plattner
Tornadoes by Gail Gibbons
Tidal Wave or Tsunami? by Kelly Doudna
Winter Storm or Blizzard? by Kelly Doudna
All About Heat Waves and Droughts by Steve Tomecek
Academic Co-op
With the cancellation, our spring semester has ended.
Art and Music
Art will be very sporadic this year, but we do have some fun excursions planned. And I will incorporate art projects into a lot of other subjects and unit studies.
For music, we are using Music Lab: We Rock! as our spine. Each week we will be learning about a different rock musician and focus on a particular song. I have also created Spotify playlists so we can listen on the go. We covered Madonna this week. The boys were not huge fans, but it was better than last week’s selections.
Music Lab: We Rock!
DK Music and How it Works
DK The Arts
Field Trip/Activities
On Friday, we attended board game club at a local coffee shop. I had a nice time chatting with other homeschool moms.
Tuesday we renewed our Fontenelle Forest membership to meet up with friends to play at the new nature play area. And then we went on a nice walk on the boardwalk. It was lovely to get out in nature, especially as a blizzard came in that night. .
Sad that we couldn’t finish out our Academic Co-op semester.
Next Week
Finishing our read alouds
Moving forward with our math textbooks
Traveling to the Ireland (A) and Europe (Q) for history
Exploring astrophysics (A) and climate (Q) for science
Listening to Parliament-Funkadelic and Hatt & Oates
Going to the park for a playdate and the nature preserve for a hike
Next up on the TBR pile: