Title: The Book that Made Me: A Collection of 32 Personal Stories
Edited By: Judith Ridge
Publisher: Candlewick Press 2016
Genre: Nonfiction - About Books
Pages: 241
Rating: 3/5 stars
Reading Challenges:
What if you could look inside your favorite authors’ heads and see the book that led them to become who they are today? What was the book that made them fall in love, or made them understand something for the first time? What was the book that made them feel challenged in ways they never knew they could be, emotionally, intellectually, or politically? What book made them readers, or made them writers, or made them laugh, think, or cry? Join thirty-one top children’s and young adult authors as they explore the books, stories, and experiences that changed them as readers — for good.
Like most essay collections, there are some really good ones in here and there are some more boring ones in here. Overall, I was a bit disappointed in the collection. I don’t think the good essays outweighed the less interesting ones. Oh well. Not every book is going to be 5 stars.
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