Title: Kringle Down (Kringle Down #1)
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Publisher: 2020
Genre: Horror
Pages: 41
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Holiday Reads; COYER
Where I Got It: Kindle
1990, Red Onion Mountain, Southwest Virginia. A bright flash of light slashes through the night sky. Something crashes on the mountain near the infamous "pot mine," where two tired ATF Agents and their cleaning ladies have just finished scrubbing up a gruesome crime scene. What they find on that snowy Christmas Eve is more murder, mayhem, and mystery than you can shake a bloody candy cane at.
J picked up this collection for me thinking it might be a fun read for my trip. And I sped through the first one in no time at all. This is an action-packed horror take on Santa and his elves. I loved this slim story as an alternative to the sweet holiday romances I have read this year.
Title: The Revenge (Kringle Down #2)
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Publisher: 2021
Genre: Horror
Pages: 34
Rating: 3/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Holiday Reads; COYER
Where I Got It: Kindle
ATF Agent Max Harkins survived a bizarre encounter in Kringle Down. Now cartel czar Ernesto Cabeza wants to make him pay. But Max has a plan. If he can just get "Santa" to go along with it.
Not quite as successful as the first story, but a strong action horror story to further the adventures of Max Harkins. We finally get to the meet the drug cartel boss and see hime deal with Santa and the elves. We also get to see a new Santa emerge from the chaos.
Title: Krampus (Kringle Down #3)
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Publisher: 2022
Genre: Horror
Pages: 43
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Holiday Reads; COYER
Where I Got It: Kindle
Little Jose Salazar is a monster. Now he’s missing, and his father, the new head of the Gulf Cartel, thinks a certain evil spirit of Christmas is behind it. To get his son back, Hector needs an army, a plan, and the help of a very reluctant Agent Maxwell Harkins.
Another episode in the unusual adventures of ATF Agent Max Harkins. This time, we get a very spooky appearance by some old friends, a new mission, and some glorious creepy fun. I really enjoyed this fun story to bookend the adventures. And the big reveal of the elves was just the absolute best. Overall, I really enjoyed this short series of gory fun.
Next up on the TBR pile: