Title: Valley of Silence (The Circle Trilogy #3)
Author: Nora Roberts
Publisher: Jove 2006
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 352
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Paranormal - Witches; Monthly Key Word - Valley; Mount TBR; Seriously Series
How I Got It: I own it!
The battleground has been chosen for the final showdown between those selected by the gods and the minions of the vampire Lilith. But there is one vampire who dares stand against her. And his love for the scholarly queen of Geall will complete the circle of six-and change the face of eternity.
What an end to the trilogy! I must say that I was sad that it ended. I wanted to continue the journey with the Circle. I wanted to see how they adjusted to their new lives and adventures. But I must be content with what we do get. I loved the suspense and payoff of the final battle. I loved seeing the story from Moira and Cian's points of view. I definitely liked Moira the best of all the six. She had such quiet strength. I am still stuck in the world, hours after finishing. The series was just great. I loved it!
The Circle Trilogy:
- Morrigan's Cross
- Dance of the Gods
- Valley of Silence