Likes: All the food! Seriously, anything I put in front of him, he will eat. His blankets, his rabbit, anything his brother is playing with, being outside, walks in the stroller.
Dislikes: Not being paid attention to, naps, bedtime because that means no more playing
Messy eater...
Park time
Sleeping: Ugh! Napping is so not a thing in this household. Somedays he will take a nap and I even got him to take a few in his crib. But most days he just goes and goes and goes until bedtime. By then he's a bit of a mess.
Selfie time
Eating: Such a great eater. I think he consumes at least twice what Arthur does in a day. He loves sweet potatoes and broccoli. Gets super excited about yogurt melts and puffs. I can't eat anything and not give him some. He begs for food when he sees it.
At a fun birthday party
Playing: So much play! He loves to explore on his own (getting close to proper crawling), but he really enjoys when people play with him, especially Arthur. Q and Arthur have been "playing" dinosaurs all week. Q loves when Arthur does the roars and he loves chewing on the dinos.
Loving the rabbit
Nap trapped by the sleepy baby
- 32 Weeks
- Repeating sounds — Definitely! His favorite syllable is "ma." He repeats it constantly!
- Holding two objects at once — Check!
- Starting to understand cause and effect — I'm going to say yes. He's starting to show signs so I think we are on track.
- Lifting arms up when wanting to be picked up — Check!
- Trying to standing — Check! He loves to stand on the couch looking into the kitchen. He's starting to try and pull himself up to that standing position.
Very silly eating his spaghetti
- 33 Weeks
- Understanding “no” — Um... I don't think so.
- Furniture-assisted standing — Sorta check. He's not very steady yet.
- Playing with more complicated items — Check! He loves manipulating toys and other objects. He's even starting to understanding how to play with some of the more complicated toys.
- First words —Nope
Outside time
- 34 Weeks
- Throwing things — Um... not really.
- Standing at furniture — Nothing except for the couch
- Fear of strangers — It's more of a contempt for strangers than a fear.
Jumpy time
Out and About: Oh the places we go! It helps to have a big brother to follow around...
- Mel's Play Place -- A few indoor play mornings
- Diddalidoo -- A different indoor play place for Arthur's friend's birthday
- New Parks - A few different new-to-us parks visited
- Oakland Zoo -- Q loved the otters
- Children's Fairyland -- It's such a weird time capsule. Not sure if Q liked it or was just weirded out.
- Lots of walks in the neighborhood
Play time!
Next up on the TBR Pile: