We made it to 1/2 a year!!!! Q turned 6 months old yesterday and already seems more grown up.
Playing at Mel's
Likes: Pulling hair, all his toys, watching Arthur, all the food, bedtime
Sitting up by himself!
Dislikes: Only being able to crawl backwards, naps, not being able to stand all the time
Loves his baby
Sleeping: Usually sleeping through the night. Sometimes he wakes up once, but not every night and he's easy to get back down to sleep. Naps are still a no-go most days.
And his Sophie!
Loving his new blankie
Eating: All the foods! But seriously, he's tried so many new and interesting foods in the past week. His favorites have been broccoli, bananas, baby mum-mums, and naan. He's really loving when I give him the spoon to play with. Obviously not really using it yet, but he likes to play with it.
Blurry but oh so cute
First time in the regular stroller
Playing: Loving all his toys. His current favorites are the wire ball, robot teether, taggie monster, and any of Arthur's cars. He also really loves his new stuffed snow leopard (from Happy Hollow visit). Lots of snuggles with the snow leopard!
Carousel selfie
Arthur wanted to help feed Q
Doctor Visit Stats: Q got 3 shots today at his appointment. He cried for about 3 minutes and then was good. Glad that he is calmed down with snuggles.
- Height: 28 1/4" (97th percentile) -- We only have 3/4" left until he grows out of his infant carseat. Guess I better decide which convertible carseat to buy...
- Weight: 19 lb 3 oz (80th percentile)
Arthur insisted Q wear the safety glasses
Milestones: I looked up Arthur's growth updates to figure out some of these...
- Pays attention to small objects — Check!
- Transfers toys from one hand to the other — Check!
- Babbling — Not that much. He laughs a lot, but not quite as much babbling.
- Sitting by himself or with minimal support — Check!
- Rocking back and forth on all fours — Nope. He scoots around backwards but hasn't gotten up to all fours yet.
- Developing separation anxiety — Nope. He's pretty good being left alone. Some days he starts to vocalize after a minute or so if can't see me, but not really separation anxiety.
Hello big boy!
That onesie is almost too short (12 month Gerber!)
Out and About: On Monday we went to Mel's for playtime. It was raining outside so the place was packed. It was the first time that Q was actually interested in playing with anything. We sat in the baby area playing while Arthur played in the bounce house. On Thursday we visited Happy Hollow. Half of the place was closed due to flood damage from February's San Jose flood, but we still had fun looking at the goats, sheep, lemurs, chickens, and anteater and riding the rides. Q enjoyed the carousel and watching all the little kids run around and play. While there, Arthur had to have a stuffed Jaguar so we bought Q a matching Snow Leopard. He's so in love with that toy!
With his new snow leopard
So adorable!