I am so far behind on my blogroll, but I ran across this one and wanted to join up. Beyond my weekly meme posts, I haven't been very creative with my blog posts. This is a great chance to change things up. So here we go...
Day 1: Make 15 book related confessions.
- I am a cover snob. I'll fully admit to being drawn in by pretty covers. And if I don't like the cover, I won't read the book. It takes a lot to get me to read books I don't like the cover.
- I love fluffy romances. I read just about everything, but my go to for sheer entertainment is fluffy romances. They're predictable and unrealistic, but I love them just the same.
- I give myself 50 pages to love a book. If I'm not immersed in 50 pages, I DNF the book. I used to finish books no matter what, but I've realized that there are just too many books out there to waste my time reading things I don't like.
- I often disagree with the populace about what books I like. My book ratings often don't agree with averages on Goodreads and I'm perfectly okay with that.
- I abhor writing in books. I just can't see how people can destroy books my writing in them. No way, not for me.
- I have put myself on a book ban because boxes of unread books in my closet. I went on a bit of a book buying spree over the last three years and now I have at least 7 boxes of unread books taking up tons of space in the closet. And don't even get me started on the unread ebooks cluttering my iPad. Therefore, I have put myself on a book buying ban for the entire year. I can only buy books for book club or if it's one to finish up a series I've been wanting. So far, I've only bought 4 books this entire year. I am doing very well...
- I love and hate young adult books. Overall, I can't get into young adult books. However I do read them occasionally. I got back and forth.
- I was a classics snob from late middle school to my mid-20s. I went through a phase lasting over 10 years where I thought you had to read only classics if you were to be a serious reader. Thankfully I have grown out of that idea. I now read almost anything and I'm much happier about it.
- I hate all of Charles Dickens. Speaking of classics, I learned a long time ago that I cannot stand Dickens' writing. I've tried and tried and I just can't read him.
- I love Jane Austen, but hate the Brontes. J doesn't understand how I can like one but not the others. To me, Austen and the Brontes are worlds apart. Don't confuse the two.
- I have to buy all the books in a series before I start reading said series. This may have contributed to my boxes of unread books cluttering my closet.
- I love browsing the stacks of the library. I could spend hours in a library just browsing. I tend to find interesting reads picking a shelf in a random aisle and looking at all the books. This is why I prefer to go to libraries alone. I don't like to be rushed.
- My Goodreads TBR shelf is absolutely out of control. At last count, it had 1884 books. I'll never get to all those, especially when I constantly add more. I really need to stop...
- I'd rather read a book than go to any social gathering. I'm not anti-social, but I'd really rather curl up with a cup of tea and a good book.
- Even though I own an iPad, I still resist ebooks. Another thing that J just doesn't understand. I still prefer the feel of a book over the iPad. I am slowly and reluctantly reading ebooks, but it's more because I hate lugging around pounds of books during travel.