Continuing the meme, here's Day 2...
Day 2: What's your bedtime reading ritual?
Back when I was younger, I would consistently read a few chapters from my books before bed. But now, my life is not so routine. If the boys are here, I try to read them a chapter or two of whatever book we're reading at the time (right now it's The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan). If the boys aren't here, I'm much more sporadic about reading nightly. I try to go to bed at a decent hour (usually 11pm) and settle in for a chapter or two. Some nights I really get into the books I'm reading and find myself only stopping hours later, utterly exhausted. Some nights J and I get into a tv show and end up watching until I am too exhausted to read. I want to get more consistent about my reading, but with baby Arthur coming in October, that's not likely to happen.