Pages read today and yesterday: 228
Pages read total: 1959
Time read today and yesterday: 2 hours 39 minutes
Time read total: 19 hours 14 minutes
Comments: I got so busy with J coming home that I forgot to update yesterday. Oh well... I didn't read as much this weekend as during the week. That's how it usually goes. I did dive into Feed. It's different type of zombie book, set 25 years after The Rising and involving viruses. But I really like it. Hopefully I fill finish that on Monday and jump right into the sequel, Deadline. I'm very happy with my total page and time counts. I knocked out almost a book a day and multiple reading challenge spots. Plus it's always fun to read some scary zombie books. Until next year!
My goals:
- Read at least 5 books √
- Review all books read √
- Update once a day -- so close!
TBR List:
- Sadie Walker is Stranded by Madeleine Roux
- The First Days by Rhiannon Frater
- Fighting to Survive by Rhiannon Frater
- Siege by Rhiannon Frater
- Feed by Mira Grant -- in progress
- Deadline by Mira Grant
- Blackout by Mira Grant
- ADDED -- Persuasion by Jane Austen