Listening To: Lots of rediscovered music. Currently loving Jack's Mannequin, Ingrid Michaelson, and Howie Day.
Book finished: Because of the FrightFall Readathon, I plowed through a ton of books this week. Getting close to wrapping up my Zombie Reading Challenge. I read Sadie Walker is Stranded, Persuasion (on the iPad on the train), The First Days, Fighting to Survive, and Siege.
Reading: Feed by Mira Grant
On the Nightstand: Deadline and Blackout by Mira Grant (finishing my zombie challenge)
MakingLists: All things for my Thanksgiving vacation -- things to pack, places to go back in Indiana, things to do with boys, things to buy there, etc. What can I say? I like to be prepared in advance.
Around the house: With J gone, not much has happened and I have managed to keep things picked up. I call that a win.
From the kitchen: Absolutely nothing. I have been eating like a college student these past two weeks. No real meals...
On the Web: Enjoying my Google Reader. Wrapping up the FrightFall Readathon today. No much else.
Crafting: Last Sunday I had a great candy and stamps class. We made some cute candy holders for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. So many ideas!
On Wednesday, we had a small meet and greet. We made cards for the Ronald McDonald House in San Jose. Plus we had a ton of scraps to share with each other. I picked up a smallish stack of some great new printed paper sheets. The first card was the "official" meet and greet design. I made the others using the rest of a sticker pack I had gotten last year. I loved who the Birthday card with yellow floral background so much, I had to take it home instead of donating. The other three were donated.
At home, I finished up a few Halloween cards. The one with the cat was made last year at card class. I figured I would finally send it away to someone. This is it for Halloween...
Watching: I went on a bit of a series bender while J was away. To be fair, he wouldn't have watched most of these, so I feel like I'm not cheating. I watched Parenthood S3, Revenge S1 (late to the party, but now I am hooked), and Life Unexpected S2 (finally finishing the series). Plus I caught up on Glee, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report.
Wondering: How it can be 90 degrees this week and yet leaves are falling from the trees? Crazy contradiction.
From Nature: After consistant 75 degrees, it got up to 90 this week. Of course that was the day I decided to travel up to San Francisco. It was even 90 up there! Currently it is back to the high 60s. The huge temp swings make me feel like I'm back in the Midwest.
Shopping Scores: While in San Francisco, we window shopped in the Haight. I found the perfect little gift for J at one of the book stores. Shh!! Don't tell! I'll have to head back to the Haight and go thrift store shopping soon.
Project: Slowly working through all my music to narrow it down to my 101 favorite songs. This is way too hard...