Title: Persuasion
Author: Jane Austen
Pages: 333
Rating: 5 /5 stars
Reading Challenges: Back to the Classics -- Reread; Mount TBR; Book2Movie; Fall into Reading
How I Got It: Own It!
Say what you want about Elizabeth Bennett, Anne Elliott has always been my favorite Austen heroine. Underneath it all, she's the one that keeps the Elliott household running, even in Bath. She understands who she is and what mistakes she has made in the past. She knows people and how to deal with them. I love this story of growing up and realizing your mistakes. Plus Captain Wentworth is just so dreamy! Definitely my favorite of all of Austen's novels.
BBC Miniseries :
A few years ago I had a short-lived book club with some of my high schoolers. We read Persuasion and then I hosted a movie night to enjoy a viewing. Afterward we went around yelling "Wentworth" all over school. Good times good times.
As to the actual movie, this is my favorite adaptation. The casting perfectly fits the characters. Anthony Stewart Head is imposing as Sir Walter, perfect casting. Amanda Hale is a nervous wreck of a Mary. Rupert Penry-Jones is just dreamy as Captain Wentworth. And Sally Hawkins has those long looks so perfect for playing Anne. My absolute favorite scene is the first time that Anne and the Captain meet again. Their looks convey a huge range of emotions. In that instance, you know that they still love each other even with the betrayals of the past. And I love all the scenes in Bath if for nothing more than the architecture in Bath. Even the deviations from the novel fit with the story and characters. I forgive the filmmakers and still watch it over and over again.