I came across Stitch Fix on Loop Looks (check her out!). For $20 a shipment, you get a personalized style pack of five items. Then, you try everything on and decided to keep 1, 2, 3, 4, or all 5 items. The $20 stylist fee is credited to your purchase. And if you buy all five items, you get an extra 25% off. The company is currently in beta, but I was lucky enough to get an invite.
Here's what I got this time...
Item #1: Silver loop earrings
Pros: Gorgeous. Just my style.
Cons: I don't have pierced ears...
Item #2: Pink smock top
Pros: Love the design and color.
Cons: Short short short. I really think you need to have a torso 3 inches shorter to wear this.
Item #3: Three collar blouse
Pros: Loved the design and the material.
Cons: Another ridiculously short shirt.
Item #4: Crochet back dress
Pros: Pretty
Cons: Couldn't get it over my head. Ridiculously small
Item #5: Cropped beige blazer
Pros: Loved the design. Could be a versatile piece.
Cons: My shoulders are much too wide to fit in it.
So, what did I keep?
Nothing... I don't know if it's just the pregnancy, but nothing looked good on me. So, this was my last stitch fix until after baby comes.