Book finished: Ashfall and Ashen Winter by Mike Mullin
Reading: The Wizard of Oz
On the Nightstand: Lots of Jane Austen; The Importance of Being Earnest; His Dark Materials
MakingLists: Freezer meals. Our freezer is almost empty. I need to make another batch to restock.
Around the house: Putting the house back in order after a summer with the boys. We completely cleaned out and organized their room. I even moved some of the furniture to prepare for baby (not due til March, but I had energy and motivation to do it now).
Pregnancy update: 10 weeks along and I'm feeling like crap. I don't remember feeling this tired last time. I do remember the all day nausea. Thankfully, that has seemed to pass. I only get nauseous when I haven't eaten in awhile. Speaking of, I am constantly hungry. This is getting a bit ridiculous. I am trying to eat 5-6 small meals a day to try and stave off the hunger pains. I have my big set of lab tests (lots of blood draws) this coming week. I am not looking forward to that at all. Hopefully I won't have to do another for two months. Somehow we got into a discussion of names the other night. We've always had a boy's name, but had to really think about a girl's. I think we might have settled on one. It will be revealed after we find out the sex on October 10th.
From the kitchen: Bacon, peach, fontina panins. I found the idea on some blog (can't remember). I grabbed the ingredients and whipped them up. Yummy Yummy Yummy! I must do this again.
Crafting: Had a quick Meet and Greet on Friday. We made one card to keep and another to donate to the Ronald McDonald House. The card wasn't my favorite design, but I loved chatting with some fellow crafters and even meeting a few new ones.
Watching: The boys and I ended up making into season 6 for Doctor Who. They are thoroughly addicted to the show. I finally caught up with The Daily Show and Colbert Report. And I made it through season 1 of Suits so J and I can watch it together. I am really loving that show. And angry Harvey is just the best.
Shopping Scores: Baby stuff. We don't know if it's a boy or girl yet, but I did grab a few things. The clothes are all gender neutral. And who doesn't love Snoopy! Plus, I found a great deal on a baby sling. Finally, the local kids bookstore had the sequel to The Monster at the End of This Book (childhood favorite). Now we have both and in Little Golden Book form.
Project: Crafting. I have some great ideas of baby cards. And I need to figure out my Christmas card situation. Before I know it, the holidays will be upon us.