Title: 12th Night and Carole's Christmas
Author: Anthology and Anne Glynn
Genre: Erotica
Pages: 227; 42
Rating: 2/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Romance; Mount TBR
How I Got It: free iBook download
Two short reviews for two short reads. The first, 12th Night, was an anthology of 12 holiday themed erotic stories. Some were okay, but a few were truly horrid. And the other novella, Carole's Christmas, was a pretty tepid retelling of A Christmas Story. But in this time the ghosts are sexual encounters of Carole's past, present, and future boyfriends. It felt very use and throw away to me. And none of the guys were attractive in any sense. I grabbed these two free iBook downloads as quick bedtime reads. I've found that short stories or novellas are the way to go before bed. However, both of my picks were dull. I wasn't turned on by either of them. The submission was too much. The graphic sex with no set-up was too much. The lackluster men were too much. The weak, sex-focused women were too much. I really need to get back to reading historical romances. At least with those I get a story, however contrived and silly. It's still a story.