Title: The Boys Vol 10: Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker
Author: Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson, and John McCrea
Publisher: Dynamite 2012
Genre: Graphic Novel
Pages: 144
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Graphic Novel; Mount TBR; A to Z -- E
How I Got It: J owns it
The story of Billy Butcher, the Boys'' mysterious leader, is told at last! From the backstreets of London''s East End to the carnage of the Falklands War, from the heights of love to the depths of tragedy, the most violent man in comics reveals the terrible nature of the forces that drive him. And when he''s done, he''ll be ready - to finish things once and for all! Collects the hit 6-issue mini-series of 2011, along with a complete cover gallery and bonus material.
All through the series I have wondered how Butcher became Butcher. What makes him the way he is? I know that Hughie has always wondered. And know at the eve of the end, we finally get his story. I loved it. Now I understand. I see why he is the way he is now. I don't know if I would have made the same choices, but it's his life. Look at me talking like Butcher's real. This series has really gotten under my skin. I want to see how all of this will be resolved. I know it won't be pretty or happily ever after, but I have to know.
The Boys: