Title: The Walking Dead: Book 4
Author: Robert Kirkman
Publisher: Image Comics 2008
Genre: Graphic Novel; Zombies
Pages: 304
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Graphic Novels; Support Your Local Library
The hardcover features another 12 issues of the hit series along with the covers for the issues all in one oversized hardcover volume. Perfect for long-time fans, new readers, and anyone interested in reading a zombie movie on paper that never ends.
Every time I think this series has reached the limit, the next chapter just flies right past the previous limit. It is crazy! I cannot even begin to imagine where the series is going. Yet I want to continue reading it until the end. I like how this book focused more on the threat from fellow survivors than the zombies. We get a real feeling of what the survivors we follow are up against. It makes for a suspenseful read. I'm also interested to see how the television series departs from the comic storyline. Should be an interesting read. And you know I always love my zombies!