I saw the angel in the marble and I just chiseled till I set him free. -- Michelangelo
I love the simplicity of Michelangelo's quote. He saw the beauty that could be and created it. There was no divine intervention, no long drawn out artistic speech. He saw, he did. Beside the fact that he had such great talent, I envy Michelangelo in his simple outlook. When I want to create, I obsess. I think about what I want to do, how to do it, where I could go wrong. I don't just create. I need to focus on my crafting techniques. I want to just do. And however it comes out, it is. I won't obsess over perfection. I am sure that Michelangelo had many pieces left unfinished. We see only the greatness of his work. But I want to not be shamed by the unfinished, the imperfect. I want to create. And if I create something beautiful, I want to revel in its beauty without boasting. Wish me luck...