Title: Blue Moon (Immortals #2)
Author: Alyson Noel
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin 2009
Genre: YA Vampire
Pages: 304
Rating: 3/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Mount TBR; Fantasy; Read Your Name - N
How I Got It: I own it
Just as Ever is learning everything she can about her new abilities as an immortal, initiated into the dark, seductive world by her beloved Damen, something terrible is happening to him. As Ever’s powers are increasing, Damen’s are fading—stricken by a mysterious illness that threatens his memory, his identity, his life.
Desperate to save him, Ever travels to the mystical dimension of Summerland, uncovering not only the secrets of Damen’s past—the brutal, tortured history he hoped to keep hidden—but also an ancient text revealing the workings of time. With the approaching blue moon heralding her only window for travel, Ever is forced to decide between turning back the clock and saving her family from the accident that claimed them—or staying in the present and saving Damen, who grows weaker each day...
I tried to like this one, I really did. I just couldn't really get into the storyline or the characters. I spent most of the book wanting to smack Ever (and Damen for that matter). There's just did not seem like a classic love story. I ended up not caring if they lived happily ever after. I just didn't care. Also, I need characters to grow through a series. To have someone keep making the same mistakes and assumptions throughout just makes me angry. I could take or leave this one.
Immortals (DNFed series)