Title: You are So Undead to Me (Megan Berry #1)
Author: Stacey Jay
Publisher: Razorbill 2009
Genre: Zombie
Pages: 272
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Zombie; What's in a Name - Creepy Crawly; Support Your Local Library; States Challenge - Arkansas
How I Got It: Library Loan
Fifteen-year-old Megan Berry is a Zombie Settler by birth, which means she's part-time shrink to a bunch of dead people with a whole lot of issues.All Megan wants is to be normal - and go to homecoming, of course. Unfortunately, it's a little difficult when your dates keep getting interrupted by a bunch of slobbering Undead.
Things are about to get even more complicated for Megan. Someone in school is using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into flesh-eating Zombies, and it's looking like homecoming will turn out to be a very different kind of party - the bloody kind.
Megan must stop the Zombie apocalypse descending on Carol, Arkansas. Her life - and more importantly, homecoming - depends on it.
I have a confession: I thought this was going to be an uber-stupid teenage novel about the right hair or getting the cute boy. I thought was going to make fun of this novel and wonder how it even was published. But I was wrong (mostly). Megan is a teenager. She does care about making the dance team and getting a date for the Homecoming Dance. But she's also a settler with a lot more power than she thinks. She make act immature at times, but she is fifteen. It's refreshing to see a young adult novel where the young adult actually acts like a young adult, not an adult stuck in a teenage body. I think I would have been over the moon with this book if I was fifteen. Megan Berry would have been my hero. Even as an almost-30-year-old, I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed it so much that I picked up the sequel to read next.
Megan Berry, Zombie Settler
- #1 You are So Undead to Me
- #2 Undead Much?
- #2.5 Valentine's Day of the Undead