Title: Doctor Who: Through Time and Space
Publisher: IDW Publishing 2009
Genre: Graphic Novel
Pages: 152
Rating: 4 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Graphic Novel, Support Your Local Library; A to Z - D
How I Got It: Library Loan
Collecting six original stories of the popular sci-fi show, Doctor Who, all featuring the Tenth Doctor, as portrayed by David Tennant. Includes the one-shots The Whispering Gallery, The Time Machination, Autopia, Cold-Blooded Cold War, Just a Theory, and Black Death by a bevy of talented creators, including Ben Templesmith and John Ostrander (Star Wars: Legacy).
Such a find! I was browsing the stacks and found this just sitting there... My faith in the Omaha Public Library is slowing increasing. I loved the stories in this volume. Each one was a stand alone story, but had tidbits of information and allusions to other Doctor stories. We get little bits here and there. My favorite had to be "The Whispering Gallery" featuring Martha Jones, an emotion free world, and an emotion feeding demon. It had the right amount of wonder, suspense, danger, and bravery that I have come to expect from Doctor stories. I recently discovered that there's a whole line of these graphic novels along with novels associated with Doctor Who. How did I not know this? Unfortunately, the OPL doesn't have many of them...