Today's Progress:
- Books Read: 1.4
- Total Books Read: 5.4
- Pages Read: 305
- Total Pages Read: 1662
- Time Read: 2 hours 58 minutes
- Total Time Read: 15 hours 46 minutes
- #todayinsixwords: Tears in tears after the end...
My goals:
- Read at least 5 books
- Read my required (for readalongs) sections of Gatsby and Midsummer
- Review all books read
- Participate in at least 2 mini challenges
- Read at least 2 hours a day
My TBR pile:
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
- Mockinjay by Suzanne Collins
- Sunshine by Robin McKinley
- Lost in Austen by Emma Campbell Webster
- Hatter M Vol. 1 (up next)
- Hatter M Vol. 2
- Hatter M Vol. 3
- Brains: A Zombie Memoir by Robin Becker
- Fables: Rose Red
- Harry Potter Film Wizardry by Brian Sibley
- A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare (Act II)
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Pages46-90)
Mini Challenge #5: Picture and Snack Time
From The Reading Housewives of Indiana:
This challenge is very simple. I did it this way on purpose. Sometimes for read-a-thons, you just want an easy challenge you can complete rather quickly so you can get right back into reading. So, I came up with a very simple picture that has you just taking one single picture.
All you have to do for this challenge is post a picture of your current read (physical book or ebook on your ereader) and your snack & drink all together in one shot. Feel free to also include yourself in this photo, it isn’t required, but it could be fun!
I got the chance to read a bit at work today, so here you go...
I read my sections of The Great Gatsby and A Midsummer Night's Dream for my readalongs and continued Mockingjay. My snacks are my usual that I stash in my desk drawer.