Title: The Boys Vol 9: The Big Ride
Author: Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson, and John McCrea
Publisher: Dynamite 2011
Genre: Graphic Novel
Pages: 276
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Graphic Novel; Mount TBR; RYN - B
How I Got It: J owns it
The Boys Volume 9 collects three separate story arcs, including the momentous issue #50, with bonus pin-ups and interviews! In issues #48-51: "Proper Preparation and Planning" - With Hughie absent, Butcher re-examines the Boys'' first encounter with the Seven, trying to figure out what went wrong. But first there's some disquiet in the ranks to be dealt with, not to mention the return of an old and unexpected enemy who finally, incredibly, has come into his own. Meanwhile, on the Seven's floating headquarters, a flying lesson goes badly awry... In issues #52-55: "Barbary Coast" - Hughie travels out west to finally meet Lieutenant-Colonel Greg Mallory, the man who started The Boys. All kinds of secrets await our hero, beginning with the terrible story of the first supes to see action in World War Two. When the revelations cease, will Hughie return, or walk away from the team forever? In issues #56-59: "The Big Ride" - The countdown to the end begins, as Jack from Jupiter takes one step beyond... or does he? Hughie's triumphant return is not all he'd hoped for, but Butcher has bigger fish to fry. And The Boys meet the mysterious Doctor Peculiar...
I don't know if I have anything to add... The summary is great. I love this series. And the war is coming... It's the calm before the storm. The tension is mounting. When I finished this volume, I think my mouth was hanging open for at least a minute before I recovered. I am at the edge of my seat just waiting for the next volume to be published.
The Boys: