From Bout of Books:
- Bout of Books will run from 12:01am 1/9 through 11:59 pm 1/15 (your time zone)
- However,all posts on this blog and the challenges at the co-hosts' blogs will publish at midnight CST (or UTC-6).
- Read as much as you can whenever you can. The only person you are competing against here is yourself. There is no pressure. Commit to the entire week or a few hours - whatever works best for your schedule.
- Bout of Books should be about networking with fellow bloggers in addition to reading. You were going to read that week anyway, right? Bout of Books gives you the opportunity to share your reading experience with other readers.
- Use #boutofbooks on Twitter to update people on your progress and what you are reading. Feel free to follow me (@BookBender) and your co-hosts (links in the side bar) for Bout of Books information, but please do NOT @ me (or the co-hosts) with all your updates. Using #boutofbooks should suffice. I will try to repopulate the Bout of Books Twitter list. For ideas for using Twitter to your advantage during the read-a-thon, visit our Twitter Tips page.
- All challenges and giveaways are separate, meaning you can participate in any challenge even if you are not interested in the prize that day. All giveaway information can be found on the Giveaway page.
- Help spread the word! Grab the button in the side bar and post it on your blog. Tweet. The more people we have participating, the more fun it will be.
Round3: I'm ready for it. My first readathon of 2012 and I get to start with one that I've come to love. I especially love that I'm competing against myself, not some readathon wide target or against other bloggers. It's just me. I've got some great books lined up for this one. My previous records were 13 books for 1.0 and 7 books for 2.0. I don't know if I can beat 1.0, but that's my big goal...
My goals:
- Read at least 5 books
- Read my required (for readalongs) sections of Gatsby and Midsummer
- Review all books read
- Participate in at least 2 mini challenges
- Read at least 2 hours a day
My TBR pile:
- The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
- Mockinjay by Suzanne Collins
- Sunshine by Robin McKinley
- Lost in Austen by Emma Campbell Webster
- Hatter M Vol. 1
- Hatter M Vol. 2
- Hatter M Vol. 3
- Brains: A Zombie Memoir by Robin Becker
- Fables: Rose Red
- Harry Potter Film Wizardry by Brian Sibley
- A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare (Act II)
- The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Pages46-90)