Title: Fables Vol. 14: Witches
Author: Bill Willingham
Publisher: Vertigo 2010
Genre: Graphic Novel; Fantasy
Pages: 192
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Fables Series; A to Z - W; My Years - 2011; Support Your Local Library
While the meek and mild flying monkey Bufkin is trapped in Fabletown's collapsed business office with the evil witch Baba Yaga, Frau Totenkinder and the witches at the Farm upstate prepare to deal with Mister Dark down in what's left of Fabletown.
Loving this turn of events... We see more of Mr. Dark, his building empire, and the plans being made to stop him. I love the changes to Frau Totenkinder. She's always been one of my favorite characters. And now we get an introduction to Ozma. Very interesting turn, indeed! Plus we finally see more interactions in Haven. I'm loving Ambrose, but he really needs to wake up and notice Ride. I feel the big showdown approaching, but it will probably be drawn out for at least two more volumes. I'm okay with that. I love this series so much.
As a side note, I caught a wonderful little comment alluding to the novel Peter and Max. Nicely done!