Title: Jack of Fables Vol. 8: The Fulminate Blade
Author: Bill Willingham
Publisher: Vertigo 2011
Genre: Graphic Novel; Fantasy
Pages: 128
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Fables Series
With Jack Horner, former star of JACK OF FABLES, permanently transformed into a dragon, Vertigo reboots the series with a new hero, Jack Frost. The world in which this story takes place is the world in which Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers lived, only thousands of years later. All that remains is superstition and feudalism and all of the old technology is regarded as magic now. Jack seeks the magic blade which will defeat the Giant King. But of course nothing is as it seems since the good guys always reveal themselves to be evil in the end.
I was a bit disappointed by this volume. I've come to expect all kinds of great things from the Fables and Jack of Fables series. And this one really just disappointed me. I felt the plot was rushed and lacked the finesse of characters. The witch fell flat. The king fell flat. Hell, even MacDuff the wooden magical owl fell flat. I finished reading the volume and didn't want more. That's a bad sign. Hopefully, Volume 9 gets better...
Jack of Fables: