Title: Fables Vol. 7: Arabian Nights (and Days)
Author: Bill Willingham
Publisher: Vertigo 2006
Genre: Graphic Novel; Fantasy
Pages: 144
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Fables Series
Collecting issues #42-47 of writer Bill Willingham's Eisner Award-winning creation, FABLES: ARABIAN NIGHTS (AND DAYS) opens a new front in the struggle between the Fables and the Adversary as the worlds of the Arabian Fables are invaded — leading to an unprecedented diplomatic mission to Fabletown and a bad case of culture shock! This seventh volume of the popular Vertigo series also includes "The Ballad of Rodney and June," the 2-part story of forbidden love among the Adversary's wooden soldiers, and features stellar Art by Mark Buckingham, Steve Leialoha, Jim Fern, Jimmy Palmiotti and Andrew Pepoy.
When I went to read Volume 7, I found out that the library didn't have it!! Horrors upon horrors. Someone had lost it. A new copy was on order, but no availability date. I was saddened. But I decided to read on in the series. I would just have to fill in the blanks later. Thankfully Vol. 8 didn't rely heavily on Vol. 7. But I still wanted to read it. Thursday I received an email from the library that Vol. 7 was available. Thank goodness! I rushed to the library Saturday (would have gone Friday, but Veteran's Day so closed) and snatched it up. I even thought about reading it before finished the book I was reading, but I restrained myself.
The storyline about the Arabian Fables lands was interesting. I liked the twist on the djinn (genie in the bottle). He's not your Disneyfied version, but much closer to the legendary djinns of mythology. It was a good bridger bringing in Sinbad, Mowgli, Red Riding Hood, and Boy Blue. I liked it.
However, I felt like "The Ballad of Rodney and June" was superior storytelling. It starts out as a simple story about one of the wooden soldiers, but then it becomes something more. We get insight into the Adversary's army. We see how the wooden soldiers think. And we get a twist... I won't give it away, but I imagine it will become important as the series progresses. I can't wait to see Rodney and June again!