Instead of daily posts, I thought it would be a lot easier for me and you if I did weekly update posts. These will track my progress each week. I will highlight what I’ve done, what I want to do, and any interesting tidbits. Sometimes I’ll add pictures and/or links. Hopefully these posts will keep me accountable to me list…
What I Did
22. Keep a journal for this project — Obviously an ongoing goal. I got a beautiful black soft cover journal to use. I am determined to journal at least a bit each day.
19. Blog 1001 times — 27 posts for the last two weeks (84/1001)
32. Read my height in books — This week’s height: 8.5 in (19.5/68 in.)
31. Finish 30 reading challenges (4/30)
- Page to Screen Challenge finished
- Vampire Reading Challenge finished
6. See all of IMDB's Top 250 movies (4/250)
- 39. Citizen Kane -- Wonderfully amazing movie. Forget the acting, the set design gets me every time. I love how Welles frames shots. My favorite effect is when Susan leaves Kane and walks through the door of her bedroom out through the hallway and to the outer door. It's one long hallway. And then later we get to see the same shot from the opposite end. Gorgeous!
What I Plan to Do Next Week
More of the same. Plus I want to start on my homemade Christmas cards and inspiration quotes. (reposted -- I never got around to this last week, so I'm going to try again.)
Monthly Goal
Tuesday starts a new month and with it comes my first big monthly challenge. I'm starting these off with the hardest one: 20. Complete NaNoWriMo. I'm going to try. I might fail miserably one this one, but I'm really going to try! Wish me luck!
Overall Progress
3 / 101