Title: The Walking Dead: Book Two
Author: Robert Kirkman
Publisher: Image Comics 2007
Genre: Graphic Novel; Zombies
Pages: 304
Rating: 5 / 5 stars
Reading Challenges: Graphic Novels
How I Got It: borrowed from library
This hardcover features issues #13-24 of the hit series along with the covers for each of the issues, all in one oversized hardcover volume. Continuing the tale of Rick Grimes and his band of survivors from the zombie apocalypse that has ravaged the world.
This series just keeps getting darker and darker, and I absolutely love it! Once again, I was struck by the black and white drawings. One would think that they wouldn't be enough for a scary zombie story. Yet they convey the stark world the survivors now live in. We aren't focused on the zombie but on the desperate reality of the situation. I love that. The characters are wonderful. We meet some new characters in the prison. We lose some characters. I won't say who, but you know that people are going to die. It's the zombie apocalypse for goodness sakes. However, I was surprised at how many we lost in this book. It was quite starling. Overall it continues this feeling of uneasy. We never know who is going to die next. The Walking Dead is definitely not a predictable story. I can't wait to see what's in store for the next book...