It's been a bit boring around here without the boys. I don't have much to fill up my day yet, so I started to look around... what could I do? What do I enjoy doing? What should I be doing? Of course, I take care of a lot of the random household stuff right now (still unpacking, organizing, getting rid of stuff). Plus I read, look for a job, blog, etc. But I needed more. And I found something! Stampin' Up! There's a Stampin' Up club here in Omaha that meets once a month to make some projects. I decided to check it out. And I'm glad I did. I had so much fun. Everyone gets one free class and then can either pay per month for the class or join the club to get member perks. We made three cards.
I especially loved the purple one! It's my favorite color. And I needed a birthday card for my grandmother for Saturday and her favorite color is purple. Perfect!!!!! The fall colors card would be great for a birthday or Father's Day or Thanksgiving or lots of other things. And while I don't love the design of the last one, I did get to learn how to emboss. I've always wanted to try it for scrapbooking, but couldn't see where it would fit.
After the class was over, I talked to the demonstrator about the club (how it works, etc.) and we ended up talking for almost two hours. It was a lot of fun. Before I left, I decided to join! At least for the next six months, I have somewhere to be for one night a month. Card making!!!! And all you friends out there, watch out for some homemade cards coming your way!
Now that I found one thing, time to find another.... I'm leaning towards some academics...