Title: Love FInds You in Sisters, Oregon
Author: Melody Carlson
Publisher: Summerside Press 2009
Genre: Christian fiction
Pages: 320
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Support Your Local Library; April Read-a-Thon
Hope Bartolli has avoided Sisters for year. But when she inherits her beloved grandmother's old house, Hope must decide whether to once again run away from the two sisters who have caused her nothing but trouble--or stay in the charming town and risk her heart.
Another volume in the Love Finds You series. Another that I liked. A fun little read for rainy days. (And it's been raining for a weeks straight.) I like how the author set her book in her town. Even though I am a city girl through and through, Carlson made the small town of Sisters, Oregon actually appealing. I kind of want to visit. Visit, I said, not move there. The characters were fun and colorful. I really felt the depth of emotion connected to the story. My only problem: once again we get sickeningly sweet and happy ending. The family went from fighting and bitterness to happiness in about a week. Definitely does not happen that quick in real life. And the book ended with a marriage proposal (it's not a spoiler, I saw it coming from the first 20 pages) after only a few weeks of dating. Another quick wrap-up. Overall, I liked the story. I just could do without the last chapter.