Title: V for Vendetta
Author: Alan Moore and David Lloyd
Publisher: Vertigo 1995
Genre: Graphic Novel
Pages: 286
Rating: Graphic Novel 5 / 5 stars - Movie 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Support Your Local Library; April Read-a-Thon; Page to Screen
I really liked the movie when it came out, but never got around to reading the graphic novel. To be fair, I've only really been interested in reading graphic novels and comics for a few months (again, I blame J). So I picked the novel up from the library to acquaint myself with V, Evey, and the new world. The graphic novel is better than the movie in plot and character development. The movie doesn't focus as much on the characters, especially the side characters. The novel really gave them life, a story, a journey. Also, the twists and turns in the plot make more sense in the graphic novel. The movie attempts to show things more in chronological order instead of in an order that makes more sense to the overall story but not necessarily in chronological order. I don't mind authors messes with order as long as it makes sense for the story.
All that being said, I really do enjoy the movie. It adds the music (both literally and in a more poetic sense) and the atmosphere to the story. I really like seeing the action takes places, the fluid movements of V, the changing facial expressions of Evey (Natalie Portman is amazing!). My favorite part of the movie has to be the finale. To see the train take off, the eventual explosion, and the masses revolting in one scene was breathtaking. Definitely one of the better graphic novel to movie transitions that I've seen. Thoroughly enjoyed both!