Title: Fables Vol. 3: Storybook Love
Author: Bill Willingham
Publisher: DC Comics 2004
Genre: Graphic Novel; Fantasy
Pages: 190
Rating: 5/5 stars
Reading Challenges: Support Your Local Library; April Read-a-Thon
Definitely my favorite so far in the Fables series. This series it really growing on me. I just had to keep reading. Since it's a graphic novel, I read it in less than an hour.
The main story focused on the lingering problems of an unrequited love of Bigby to Snow, a fugitive Goldilocks, a poor Prince Charming, and a devious Bluebeard. I loved how they resolved (at least temporarily) some of the storylines set up in Volume 1. We also meet Briar Rose, second wife to Prince Charming (turns out Cinderella, who we met in Volume 1, was wife #3). And we encounter the mounted police made up of Fable rats and Lilliputians (you know, from Gulliver's Travels).
Beyond the main story, we got a story of Jack set in the Civil War, a two-parter concerning a noisy reporter, and the story of the Barleycorn vase. All three were entertaining, but the Jack story was my favorite. With an appearance and then disappearance of Death, Jack showed just how morally ambiguous he really is. I imagine this will come up later in the series.