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What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher

Title: What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier #2)

Author: T. Kingfisher

Publisher: Tor Nightmare 2024

Genre: Horror

Pages: 151

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: 52 Book Club - Duology

After their terrifying ordeal at the Usher manor, Alex Easton feels as if they just survived another war. All they crave is rest, routine, and sunshine, but instead, as a favor to Angus and Miss Potter, they find themself heading to their family hunting lodge, deep in the cold, damp forests of their home country, Gallacia.

In theory, one can find relaxation in even the coldest and dampest of Gallacian autumns, but when Easton arrives, they find the caretaker dead, the lodge in disarray, and the grounds troubled by a strange, uncanny silence. The villagers whisper that a breath-stealing monster from folklore has taken up residence in Easton’s home. Easton knows better than to put too much stock in local superstitions, but they can tell that something is not quite right in their home. . . or in their dreams.

Another creepy novel featuring some great folklore and major atmosphere. Right away we jump into the creepy and silent Galicia. I loved getting to see Alex return to their homeland only to find life a bit more complicated once again. I could see exactly where this story was going and yet I still loved every page of it. This is short and compact, and yet I found myself lost in the story. Kingfisher allows write with such tension and suspense, I always love it.

Sworn Soldier

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