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The Highlander Who Protected Me by Vanessa Kelly

Title: The Highlander Who Protected Me (Clan Kendrick #1)

Author: Vanessa Kelly

Publisher: Zebra 2018

Genre: Romance

Pages: 423

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Fall TBR

Lady Ainsley Matthews, heiress and darling of the ton, was expected to make a magnificent match. Instead she’s hiding on a remote Scottish estate, terrified that her vicious former fiancé will use her pregnancy to force her into marriage. One man can help her—Royal Kendrick, son of a distinguished Highland clan. Though a mistake drove them apart long ago, Royal is the only person Ainsley trusts to protect her baby—even if that means agreeing to never see either of them again . . .

Scarred in body and soul by war, Royal suddenly has a purpose—caring for an innocent babe and thereby helping the woman he can’t stop loving. But when Ainsley ultimately returns to Scotland, determined to be a real mother to her child in spite of the risk, there’s only one solution: marriage. And only one likely outcome: surrendering to the desire that’s simmered between them for so long, no matter how dangerous it may be . . .

CW: Sexual Assault, Child Death

And a mostly disappointing Regency romance novel. I wanted to love this one and I did really enjoy the Kendrick Clan. I just could not at all find any way to like Ainsley. She constant lies and lies of omission to Royal didn’t build any tension; they build anger and resentment in me. I was so incredibly annoyed with all of her behaviors. I could not see what Royal saw in her and therefore did not like the book. I am going to continue with the series as I’m am intrigued by the other Kendrick brothers. Hopefully their stories are better.

Clan Kendrick

  • #1 The Highlander Who Protected Me

  • #2 The Highlander’s Christmas Bride

  • #3 The Highlander’s English Bride

  • #4 The Highlander’s Irish Bride

  • #5 The Highlander’s Holiday Wife

Next up on the TBR pile: