Title: The Gathering
Author: CJ Tudor
Publisher: Ballantine Books 2024
Genre: Mystery, Horror
Pages: 336
Rating: 4/5 stars
Reading Challenges: I Read Horror - Vampires; Read Around the USA - Alaska
Where I Got It: Library
In a small Alaska town, a boy is found with his throat ripped out and all the blood drained from his body. The inhabitants of Deadhart haven’t seen a killing like this in twenty-five years. But they know who’s responsible: a member of the Colony, an ostracized community of vampyrs living in an old mine settlement deep in the woods.
Detective Barbara Atkins, a specialist in vampyr killings, is called in to officially determine if this is a Colony killing—and authorize a cull. Old suspicions die hard in a town like Deadhart, but Barbara isn’t so sure. Determined to find the truth, she enlists the help of a former Deadhart sheriff, Jenson Tucker, whose investigation into the previous murder almost cost him his life. Since then, Tucker has become a recluse. But he knows the Colony better than almost anyone.
As the pair delve into the town’s history, they uncover secrets darker than they could have imagined. And then another body is found. While the snow thickens and the nights grow longer, a killer stalks Deadhart, and two disparate communities circle each other for blood. Time is running out for Atkins and Tucker to find the truth: Are they hunting a bloodthirsty monster . . . or a twisted psychopath? And which is more dangerous?
It’s become a tradition to read a snow setting book in January. This was a great choice to dive into on these cold days. I’m not always a fan of thrillers, but this one hit the spot. Right away, we understand that vampires are real is this world and they live on the fringes of society in the cold and the dark, i.e. Alaska. A detective is sent to solve the mystery of a gruesome murder of a teenage boy. As she investigates, all the town’s secrets start to get revealed and the case becomes more and more complicated. I loved following the twists and turns of the case, making my own conclusions along the way. My biggest complaint about the book has to do with a part of the storyline dealing with sexual assault. I really could have done without that section. And while it explains part of the motivations of the Colony and Athelinda specifically, I think that the plot could have been reworked to delete that aspect. Overall, it was a very propulsive thriller full of gore and suspense.
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