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The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders

Title: The City in the Middle of the Night

Author: Charlie Jane Anders

Publisher: Tor Books 2019

Genre: Scifi

Pages: 366

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Unread Shelf; In Case You Missed It - 2019

"If you control our sleep, then you can own our dreams... And from there, it's easy to control our entire lives."

January is a dying planet—divided between a permanently frozen darkness on one side, and blazing endless sunshine on the other. Humanity clings to life, spread across two archaic cities built in the sliver of habitable dusk.

But life inside the cities is just as dangerous as the uninhabitable wastelands outside.

Sophie, a student and reluctant revolutionary, is supposed to be dead after being exiled into the night. Saved only by forming an unusual bond with the enigmatic beasts who roam the ice, Sophie vows to stay hidden from the world, hoping she can heal.

But fate has other plans—and Sophie's ensuing odyssey and the ragtag family she finds will change the entire world.

This was my choice for our Nerdy Bookish Friends selection. It’s been sitting on my library floor for years now and I thought it would be a good choice for us to discuss. Unfortunately, this one just didn’t completely land for me. I had a big problem getting into this story. It just didn’t hold me very well. I found it difficult to connect to any of the characters. It felt very young adult to me throughout. And Bianca’s obsession with Sophy really annoyed me. At times the story was confusing and hard to follow. I wanted to know more about the crocodiles, but the story just meandered away at times. I’m interested in our discussion on Sunday. I’m hoping that some of my fellow book clubbers have some interesting topics to discuss.

Next up on the TBR pile: