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The Casanova by TL Swan

Title: The Casanova (Miles High Club #3)

Author: TL Swan

Publisher: Montlake 2021

Genre: Romance

Pages: 500

Rating: 2/5 stars

Reading Challenges: 52 Book Club - A Smelly Book; Library Love

Spice Rating: 5

My favorite hobby is infuriating Elliot Miles. Just the sight of my boss’s handsome face triggers my sarcasm. God knows how he earns his Casanova reputation—if a million women want him with his personality, what the heck am I doing wrong?

Disgusted with my love life, I join a dating app under a fake name. I start chatting to a man named Edgar. He’s not my type and lives on the other side of the world, but we hit off a friendship, laugh and confide in each other.

But lately things are getting weird at work. Elliot’s being…attentive. His eyes linger a little longer than they should, and there’s a heat behind them that I haven’t felt before. And then, in the shock of all shocks, he tells me that my vulnerability is appealing. But when was I vulnerable?

Ugh! This book was so incredibly frustrating! I absolutely detested Elliot throughout most of this book. He runs so hot and cold every chapter and I just couldn’t root for him at all. The way he treated Kathryn made me ragey. The way that Kathryn could call out his bad behavior and then sweep it under the rug really made me mad. I really dislike agro heroes and miscommunication. I barely got through this book and definitely did not like it. I could never fall for someone like Elliot. Unfortunately he never redeemed himself and I never really enjoyed this book. I will probably finish off this series, but did not enjoy this one.

Miles High Club

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