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The Beauty Vol. 3

Title: The Beauty Vol. 3

Author: Jason Hurley, Jeremy Haun, Thomas Nachlik

Publisher:Image 2017

Genre: Graphic Novel

Pages: 126

Rating: /5 stars

Reading Challenges: Graphic Novel

THE BEAUTY returns, merging characters and storylines from earlier arcs into a twisting tale of vanity, power, and the quest to obtain both at any cost. In a world where achieving pure beauty means dying for it, the question of what life is actually worth becomes more important than ever. Collects THE BEAUTY #12-16

Another great volume. We finally get to see the origins of Foster and Vaughn’s partnership as well as a previous case alluded to in the first volume. Plus we get even more insight into the conspiracy surrounding The Beauty. Hmmm… I have lots of questions that I hope will be answered soon.

Next up on the TBR pile: