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The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Title: The Alchemist

Author: Paulo Coelho

Publisher: HarperTorch 1988

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 208

Rating: 2/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Perpetual - Fantasy Projects Popsugar - One Million GR Ratings

Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. His quest will lead him to riches far different—and far more satisfying—than he ever imagined. Santiago's journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts, of recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, most importantly, to follow our dreams.

Such a pretentious novel. The reviews range from the most amazing book ever to the worst drivel. I am definitely on the drivel side. This reads less like an parable journey and more like a really bad self-help book. There are shades of Ayn Rand here that I just couldn’t get over. I could not stand this book at all.

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