From I'm Loving Books:
Basically I have too many books on my to-read list that have been getting more and more buried every day. So I thought it would be fun to use to pick a random book on my Goodreads to-read list and I would read that book NOW.
The only exceptions are if it’s a book that’s in the middle of a series you’re reading and you haven’t gotten to that book yet then you can pass and pick another random book. Or, if it’s a book you look at and realize it’s something you’re no longer interested in then you can DELETE it from your to-read list and pick another. You can also obviously skip it if it’s a coming soon book that hasn’t been released yet. I actually keep my coming soon books on a separate exclusive shelf so that’s not an issue for me here.
Want to join in on Random Reads?
It’s easy…
- If you’re on Goodreads enable sorting to your to-read shelf (you should see numbers next to each book now).
- Go to and type in the Min as 1 and the Max as how many ever books are on your to-read shelf.
- Scroll down to the book matching the number picks.
- Link up to your Random Reads post (below).
- Read and be merry.
So, I've decided to join this fun meme. I thought this would be a great way to par down my TBR shelf and read some books I might not pick up right away. I used the Goodreads sorter and to find my Random Read.
This month's winner:
#4 Bridge to Terabitha by Katherine Paterson
I bought this book a few years ago. The idea was that I was building a library for my boys. Their reading tastes have turned to Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Pokemon... so the book sat there. I've been meaning to read this myself for awhile. But other books just got in the way. Maybe this was the Universe's way of tell me to read it now.